Obituary (July 18, 2018) :

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Joseph Mary Ruggier at the age of 61, at his home in Richmond, BC, on Sunday July 8, 2018.
Joe was born in Malta on July 26, 1956 and emigrated to Canada in 1981.
He married Maria Julia Raminhos Lourenco in 1984, with whom he raised their daughter, Sarah Thérèse.
Joe attended St. Aloysius' College followed by a B.A. (1st class Honours) in English from the Royal University of Malta and continued his studies in Canada. Joe was passionately dedicated to establishing himself as a successful literary artist with a deep love for poetry. His life’s work reflected his deep roots in both Malta and Canada. In his final days, he worked fervently, translating work by Maltese priest, writer and poet, Dun Karm Psaila.

Joe was predeceased by his beloved mother Maria Ruggier (née Micallef). He leaves to mourn his loss, Sarah Thérèse and Maria Julia, his father Alfred, his six siblings Paul, Fred, Louis, Mario, Anna, Marisa, Aunts, Uncle, in-laws, many cousins, nephews, nieces and great-niece and nephew, residing in Canada, USA, Malta, Ireland, and Kenya.
Prayers and Funeral Mass were held at St. Paul’s Catholic Parish in Richmond, BC on July 18th, at 7:00pm and July 19 at 10:00am respectively.

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