Note - The quoted number of books is an approximation 

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The Eclectic Muse

ISSN 1181-8158; published by MBooks

back numbers @ $8.00 U.S. each


Volume 14 Christmas 2008     9 copies

Volume 13 Christmas 2007     7 copies

Volume 12 Christmas 2006     2 copies

Volume 11 Christmas 2005    23 copies

Volume 10 Christmas 2004     9 copies

Volume 9   Fall 2003     16 copies

Volume 8   Fall 2002     48 copies

Volume 5 #2 September 1997       24 copies



Songs of gentlest reflection

by Joe Ruggier; with a critical introduction by Ron Johnson

published by MBooks

1st Edition ISBN 0-9681948-9-3  May 2003

4 books 24.95 each


3rd enlarged edition  Spring 2004

includes 2 critical reviews

ISBN 0-9733301-1-2

44 books  24.95 each

MBooks on compact disc

from door to door to CD ROM

(1972- 2003) Special edition 2003

published by MBooks; ISBN 0-9733301-0-4

330 copies

price reduced to $98.95 U.S. each or $148.95 Canadian



No Continuing City

Poems by Ralph O. Cunningham

1st edition  Spring 2004; ISBN  0-9733301-2-0

published by MBooks

15 books  @ 21.95 U.S. each

publisher has access to more books as required





Mirrors of Memory

Poetry and Prose by Ralph O. Cunningham

1st edition Spring 2006; ISBN 0-9738392-9-5

Published by MBooks of BC

11 books @ USD 21.95 ($CDN 23.95) each

Puhlisher has access to more books as required




Poems by Ralph Cunningham

1st edition June 2008; ISBN 978-1-897303-08-5

Published by MBooks of BC

9 books @ USD 19.95 ($CDN 21.95) each

Puhlisher has access to more books as required



TOM THOMSON and other poems

by George Whipple

published by Penumbra Press

© George Whipple and Penumbra Press 2000

ISBN 1-894131-11-8

5 books $26.95 U.S. each





The Consciousness of Earth

by Esther Cameron writing as George Richter

revised edition 2004; ISBN 0-9733301-3-9

published by MBooks

31 books @ 24.95 U.S. each





This Eternal Hubbub

by Joe Ruggier; 3rd revised edition; Christmas 2004

published by MBooks

includes full colour pictures & many revisions and additions to text

ISBN 0-9733301-4-7

Approximately 820 books @ $36.95 US each





This Eternal Hubbub

by Joe Ruggier

1st Edition Easter 1995; ISBN 0-9694933-4-7

published by MBooks

114 books reduced to $21.95 U.S. each



Sonnets To My Goddess In This Life and the Next

by Philip Higson

published by Cestrian Helicon

prize-winning volume expanded

ISBN  0-9525835-6-9

6 copies $19.95 U.S. each

publisher has access to additional copies if required



ROLLINAT Poems from Les Nevroses

translated by Philip Higson

published by Cestrian Helicon

ISBN 0-9525835-9-3

7 copies $19.95 U.S. each

publisher has access to additional copies if required



The Flying Dutchman

A Poem in 18 parts By Roy Harrison with an Author’s preface

published by MBooks

1st Edition   September 2004

ISBN 0-9733301-5-5

81 books @ $19.95 U.S. each





Manichaean Contrasts

A late selection of poetry by Philip Higson

Published by Cestrean Helicon

ISBN 0-9546006-0-6

52 books @ $19.95 U.S. each

Publisher has access to additional copies if required





In the Suburbs of Europe

Perpectives on Maltese Language and Literature by Joe Ruggier

Published by MBooks

Poetry Series #2 1993

ISBN 0-96949333-1-2

51 books @ $14.95 US each or $17.95 Canadian



The Poetry of George Borg

Translated from the Maltese by Joe Ruggier

Published by MBooks

Poetry Series # 9; 1st Edition  June 2000

ISBN 0-9681948-5-0

38 books $17.00 U.S. each or $20.95 Canadian



Out of Blue Nothing

24 Shakespearean sonnets by Joe Ruggier

published by MBooks

poetry series #1  5th Edition  July 1992

ISBN 0-9694933-0-4

34 books @ $9.95 U.S. each



Selected poetry of Roy Harrison

with a preface by Warren Stevenson  PhD. (UBC English)

1st Edition  September 1996; published by MBooks

Poetry series #4 

ISBN 0-9694933-6-3

23 books $11.95 U.S. each

Poems by John Laycock

With a preface by Dr. Philip Higson

Published by MBooks; 1st Edition   June 1997

ISBN 0-9694933-8-X

10 copies $24.95 U.S. each

additional stock available as required





Blood Sky; by Daniel Rajala

1st Edition   December 2001

Published by MBooks

Poetry series # 10  includes index

ISBN  0-9681968-7-7

2 books  $9.95 U.S. each





Waiting for Tamara; Poems by Daniel Rajala

Published by MBooks

Poetry series #12  includes index

1st Edition   January 2003

ISBN  0-9681948-8-5

7 books $9.95 U.S. each





Savitri; the tale of her first journey

A prose poem by Chandramapatti

Published by MBooks

Literary pamphlet  series #3

1st Edition   June 1992; ISBN  0-9694933-2-0

10 books $9.95 U.S. each

additional copies may be located as required



Purple Premonitions

(A sequence of Mystical Love Poems); by Chandrmapatti

Published by MBooks

Poetry series #6; 1st Edition   February 1998

ISBN  0-9681948-2-6

53 books  $6.00 U.S. each


















Georgia Author of the Year Nominee





This Gardener’s Impossible Dream,

by Emery L. Campbell

ISBN 0-9733301-9-8              1st ebook edition — May 2005


Brought out by MBooks of B.C., Canada

Tel: (604) 447-0979              E-Mail:


Printed in the United States of America

Also available in printed format—ISBN 0-9733301-8-X



Price of this title in print format is $21.95 US or $26.95 Canadian

Price of this title in e-book format is $9.95 US or $11.95 Canadian

Available quantity of books in print format is around 50

Additional books may readily be ordered as required














42 Poems in Rhyme & Meter by Mary Keelan Meisel (1889-1965)

ISBN 0-9733301-7-1  2nd e-book ed. May 2005


Brought out by MBooks of B.C., Canada

Tel: (604) 447-0979              E-Mail:

$US 9.95 (USA)                      $CDN $11.95 (Canada)


Printed in the United States of America

Also available as a print version—ISBN 0-9733301-6-3

for $US 21.95     ($CDN 26.95)


Price of this title in print format is $21.95 US or $26.95 Canadian

Price of this title in e-book format is $9.95 US or $11.95 Canadian

Available quantity of books in print format is around 65

Additional books may readily be ordered as required











by Warren Stevenson



Infernal / Supernal Love

by Warren Stevenson (1933-  )

ISBN 0-9738392-2-8     1st print ed. July 2005

Brought out by MBooks of BC, Canada

Printed in the United States of America

Also available as an e-book (ISBN 0-9738392-3-6)


Price of this title in print format is $21.95 US or $26.95 Canadian

Price of this title in e-book format is $9.95 US or $11.95 Canadian

Available quantity of books in print format is around 5

Additional books may readily be ordered as required


2nd revised edition (2008), includes six new poems

ISBN 978-1-897303-10-8

Brought out by MBooks of BC; MBooks poetry series #19

Printed in the United States of America

Not available as an e-book

Available quantity of this edition in print format is around 4

Additional books may readily be ordered as required

Prices are the same as for the first edition






Pharaoh’s Children, by Roy Harrison

ISBN for e-book version 0-9738392-1-X        3rd Canadian ed. July 2005

Brought out by MBooks of B.C., Canada

Tel: (604) 447-0979     E-Mail:

PRICE OF E-BOOK VERSION ….. $US 11.95 (USA)        $CDN $14.95 (Canada)

Printed in the United States of America


Also available as a print version, (ISBN 0-9738392-0-1)

for $US 24.95     ($CDN 31.25)


Price of this title in print format is $24.95 US or $31.25 Canadian

Price of this title in e-book format is $11.95 US or $14.95 Canadian

Available quantity of books in print format is around 10

Additional books may readily be ordered as required


To inquire about any of the books or CDs above, please write, call or e-mail Joe M. Ruggier at:

Multicultural Books
Suite 307, 6311 Gilbert Road
Richmond, B.C.
Canada V7C 3V7

Contact: Joe M. Ruggier
Telephone:  (604) 447-0979

Please make checks payable to:  Joe M. Ruggier. 

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